Saturday, April 11, 2009

Rift Valley Academy..?

My most recent dream, or wish for the years ahead is to attend Rift Valley Academy in Kenya, Africa. I know, where did I ever get this idea? Like I mentioned before, I'd like to follow after my mom's steps through Africa. As a teen, growing up in Tanzania and Kenya, she attended RVA as a boarding student. It helped shape her into the woman she is today. One of my goals is to go to Africa and see where my mom grew up, the life she lived. I think it'd be pretty amazing if I could have the opportunity to board at RVA for a semester or two.

Considering I only have 2 years left in my high school education, I don't have too much time to accomplish this. Next semester, the first semester in my junior year, I'll be with my family on stateside in the US. That leaves me one and a half years to attend RVA. I'd love to spend my first and maybe even second semester of my senior year at RVA, although my parents want me with them for at least 6 months before I graduate.

For some reason, the idea of attending RVA just popped up into my head as I thought of tracing my mother's steps through Africa and Europe. Maybe it's a God thing, maybe I'm just ADD like that, but after thinking quite a while about it, I'm seriously looking at heading off to Kenya for a semester or two. Like I said, safe doesn't get you anywhere and it doesn't let you learn as much and expand your horizons. I want to experience more, and I love my school and all, and I love Colombia, but I'm ready for some new experiences. I'm ready to get out of my comfort zone and to see more of God's creation. To experience and witness God's love for his people elsewhere. Maybe being a missionary kid and moving all the time has really gotten to me. It's become custom, and now my mind is telling me it's time to move on, or just again. I say just again because I don't want to move on from my life here, I want to remember it, treasure it, take it with me through it all, but I'm ready for some change. I don't want small change that is common and an every day occurence or even an annual happening, but I want life changing, time stopping, jaw dropping change.

Maybe I'm just shooting too high once again, but I truly believe it's possible. If it's in God's will for me to go, I'll go. I have to know to not depend on any one plan because God might not have it in mind, so I can't get bummed out if I can't go.

Now I can see God's hand moving more clearly this past year, I can imagine where He's taking me. He's been molding my heart and changing my mind to follow Him. He's been readying me for change. Some major change that I have to be ready for. I have to be able to adapt and take advantage of my new circumstances. Going on stateside assignment is going to be a big change for me, and my way of life, but I know God has something bigger in mind. Something larger that will really change me and glorify Him.

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