Friday, April 10, 2009

Where should I begin?

Someone recently mentioned they had started blogging about all their experiences and, well, I decided that it'd be a great way to record my adventures and journeys. This is a first time thing for me.. and I just don't know where to start.

I have so many dreams and hopes for the months and years to come. I know I can't depend on any one event, because God might have something else in mind. In these next few years I want to take a little after my mom's life. I want to travel and go on mission trips and experience what God has given us first hand. I know I shoot high, but only because I know that with God anything is possible. My dreams might be overwhelming at first but I know that nothing is impossible and its better to shoot higher than to stay safe. Safe is never fun, never adventurous, and never experiences. To experience, and I mean really truly experience life and culture to the very core, we must step out of our comfort zone and push for more. To know more, to feel more, to see more, to learn more.

I'll share what I plan and hope for, I'll document the realization of these dreams, and I'll learn every step of the way.

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